Mona in Uganda 2006

This blog was created during my short term contract with MS Uganda (Danish Association for International Cooperation). My assignment was to advise 3 agricultural partner organisations with their various organisational challenges. In that capacity I traveled a lot and met many interesting people and visited tourist attractions as well as out of the beaten track places.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Murchinsons Falls National Park
On my way from south to north I pass through the park and stay at Red Chilli Camp. I stay in a self contained banda, but it is also possible to sleep in a tent with a real bed.
A resident family of wart hogs graze around the tents. They are very tame and only run away if you get right up to them.

On a 17 km trip up the nile it is possible to see the huge Nile crocs basking in the sun and end up at the famous....
Murchinsons Falls


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