Mona in Uganda 2006

This blog was created during my short term contract with MS Uganda (Danish Association for International Cooperation). My assignment was to advise 3 agricultural partner organisations with their various organisational challenges. In that capacity I traveled a lot and met many interesting people and visited tourist attractions as well as out of the beaten track places.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Hoima District Farmers Association (HODFA):
The organisation was registered as an NGO in 1998. Before then it was a district branch of Uganda National Farmers Association which was started in 1992. HODFA has been in partnership with MS Uganda since 1996 and is at present in the phase out period.

The office is in Hoima - the district town. The towns lay out is open and with quite a few trees, which gives a pleasant atmosphere.

This is a meeting of the sorgum growers that supply the brewery. They had a meeting to estimate the harvest of the season. They are guaranteed a price of 300 UGX pr. kilo. They seemed to be quite happy with the price and the security of a market.


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