Mona in Uganda 2006

This blog was created during my short term contract with MS Uganda (Danish Association for International Cooperation). My assignment was to advise 3 agricultural partner organisations with their various organisational challenges. In that capacity I traveled a lot and met many interesting people and visited tourist attractions as well as out of the beaten track places.

Friday, June 30, 2006

A postcard for you

Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Shoebill.
I hardly believed my own eyes when I actually saw it - the odd looking bird, but there it was at the delta in Murchinsons falls. I had to use my binoculas to get it close enough to identify it.

The Pearl of Africa.
Uganda is surely unique. The countryside around Kampala is very lush. The northern part is drier - more like semi arid lands.
The National bird - the Crested Crane is often seen and the local cattle with the huge horns are numerous.
I have included a map of the places where I work. There is also the Ugandan flag.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Hotels I stay in.
I stay in the best hotels in the district towns. The photos here tell for themselves what standard we are at.

The bungalow type hotel is Gab Apartments in Nebbi and the tropical holiday looking hotel is Crown Hotel in Hoima.

Lamco Hotel in Apac has some interesting features.....

The aquarium. It is artificial/electric and only put on if you ask for it - then the artificial fish swim around and around and around. The dining room is composed of a multitude of tiles in all colours and motives and the christmas trees are a main all the year decoration feature.....
....and the bathroom....

Murchinsons Falls National Park
On my way from south to north I pass through the park and stay at Red Chilli Camp. I stay in a self contained banda, but it is also possible to sleep in a tent with a real bed.
A resident family of wart hogs graze around the tents. They are very tame and only run away if you get right up to them.

On a 17 km trip up the nile it is possible to see the huge Nile crocs basking in the sun and end up at the famous....
Murchinsons Falls

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Nebbi Districts Farmers Organisation (NDFA)
Is a membership based organisation that was established in 1993 as a branch of Uganda National Farmers Assosiation. NDFA
Became an autonomous organisation in 1998 and is now in partnership with MS Uganda.

Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) tools are introduced in the organisation to include the farmers in the process of the Project Cycle (Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation).
The photo shows an exercise of enterprise comparisson done by the extension staff of NDFA.

A very usefull map was produced during an exercise of mapping. A map of the district that shows the operational area of NDFA. This map shows more than can be written in several pages.
Also a usefull tool when visitors or potential donors arrive and there is need to "sell" the organisation.

Agency for promoting Sustainable Development Initiative (ASDI)
ASDI was formed by 15 local activists in 1994 and is now a partner organisation to MS Uganda (Danish Association for International Cooperation)

The organisation engages in:
1 Agricultural Development
2 Income Generating Activities
3 Information and IT (Internet Café)

Hoima District Farmers Association (HODFA):
The organisation was registered as an NGO in 1998. Before then it was a district branch of Uganda National Farmers Association which was started in 1992. HODFA has been in partnership with MS Uganda since 1996 and is at present in the phase out period.

The office is in Hoima - the district town. The towns lay out is open and with quite a few trees, which gives a pleasant atmosphere.

This is a meeting of the sorgum growers that supply the brewery. They had a meeting to estimate the harvest of the season. They are guaranteed a price of 300 UGX pr. kilo. They seemed to be quite happy with the price and the security of a market.