Mona in Uganda 2006

This blog was created during my short term contract with MS Uganda (Danish Association for International Cooperation). My assignment was to advise 3 agricultural partner organisations with their various organisational challenges. In that capacity I traveled a lot and met many interesting people and visited tourist attractions as well as out of the beaten track places.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Some thoughts on participation in our activities.
Often a participant list is written and the number of male and female participants counted.

During the PLA (Participatory Learning and Action) field trainings in Nebbi and Apac, it became apparent that the above way of monitoring participation is very misleading. What we monitor is presence and not participation.

Here are two photos from the trainings.
One shows that the women are present in the group but not participating (they are sitting at a side while the men are active around the diagram they are drawing).
The other shows that the women are actively participating in the construction of the diagram.

This might be of use for us to develop other monitoring tools to differentiate between presence and participation. Photographs and videos are valuable.

I am concerned about this as a number of donors and NGOs are giving "incentives" such as food or money for the villagers to be present in trainings and meetings at village level. In my oppinion that is only to keep the "participation" number high to be able to receive further funding for similar activities. The NGO field staff are not actively finding solution to this problem as they also are employed in the system and have to protect their own jobs. They are rarely in the business of eliminating themselves.

I call this whole scenario "poverty maintenence" as there are many politicians, organisations and individuals living of keeping the poor at the level they are.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Community Mapping is a PLA tool that is simple and easy for needs identifications.

In Apac we have been doing field work on PLA (Participatory Learning and Action)
The meeting started in the church and later the farmers compared enterprises on a time line in the sand outside. It is interesting how all the farmers quickly realise the ease of using simple PLA tools.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

I am just from Nebbi where I have trained staff and board members in (PLA) Participatory Learning and Action Methodology. After the training we went to farmers groups to practice. Here we are

In Hoima I am doing a needs assessment for women and youth. It means that I am visiting some of the women and youth groups in the area. Here we are doing the work....